Posts Tagged ‘time issues’

Monday Marketing – Time Issues

I think all artists grapple with this. For me right now it is incredibly frustrating….I spent about 5 hours each day through the month of July and the first week in August, working on art and the business of art. School starts again, and there are some weeks when everything comes to a screeching halt. I am trying very hard not to let this fact become a monkey on my back, but it’s very hard.

So I have to change my mindset, and I’m not quite sure how to do this. What is keeping me sane is actually doing the artwork on weekdays, as I can clear my mind and it doesn’t seem quite like work. So that’s good, because we still need to continue creating art.

But what about the marketing? I have a couple of solutions….

* Schedule my Tweets on the weekend whenever possible, and then just check in periodically.

* Write a couple of blog entries and schedule them ahead of time. I seem to be getting at least two done on the weekends. I’m trying to stay up with my Top Ten, as that seems to be drawing comments.

* Take two nights a week to read my blog subscriptions and comment. I really do enjoy reading about people’s art lives, and I don’t want to skip this. You never know when something comes up that’s a lead.

But I’m sure there are more ideas out there….. So –

I want to hear from you – how do you fit marketing into your busy schedule? What suggestions do you have? I’d like to compile all the comments for next Monday’s blog. Head below to the comment section and let us know what you do!

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