Top Ten Tuesday – Organizing and Living Life

This has been a great week for goodies on the web. Great eye candy and inspiration.

* I subscribe to Dumb Little Man, and every now and then they have something that really resonates. This week it was “How to Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude.” The article is based off this quote from Tecumseh: When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself. ~Tecumseh You can read the article here. Great words to live by.

Bien Mur

* Speaking of Native Americans, I picked up a great book at Bien Mur, the art gallery at the Sandia Pueblo in Albuquerque called “Native Wisdom for White Minds.” This is full of wisdom from indigenous people around the world, set up as a saying a day, so you have inspiration throughout the year. The book is available from Amazon – search on the left (disclaimer – I’m an affiliate, so if you order, I get a few pennies.).

From today, July 13 – “Nature is the storehouse of potential life of future generations and is sacred.” ~Audrey Shenendoah, Onandagan writer

Jane Dunnewold

* “What’s Trite, What’s Not” from Existential Neighborhood by Jane Dunnewold. Jane is an amazing fiber artist and I was licky enough last year to follow along on her daily photo inspirations. Is life trite? Here’s a provoking thought: “And there’s the paradox. The activities that keep me centered, authentic, and real could easily be dismissed as trite. It’s all phrasing and context. How much outside influence have you bought into lately?”

* Making Mondays – and Your Week – More Productive. Well, who doesn’t want to! There are seven questions to help guide you to more productivity – all of them worth thinking about.


* Self-Inflicted Time Management from Time Management Ninja (great name!). If you have issues with any of the following, read this post!

  • Missed Deadlines
  • Late Fees
  • More Work Due to Undone Tasks
  • Lateness
  • Disorganization


* The Myth of Multi-tasking from Productivity 501. I thought it was just because I was getting older – I really thought I could multi-task well. Age has shown me I can’t… “It turns out that humans are amazingly horrible at multi-tasking. Many people feel like they are improving their focus by multitasking when they are really doing the opposite.”This is a good read.


* 5 Questions to Ask when Prioritizing Your Life from PluginID – Plug Into Your Identity. The first one –  What if I didn’t do this? –  is the one that stopped me. These are really work reading and thinking about.
* The is an oldie but goodie, from 2008. The Future Buzz looks at trends in the internet and business and is a good read if you are serious about building your own market. “7 Living Artifacts and Why They Are Done For” is good food for thought. We have gotten rid of our land line and read our papers on line.

John Pugh

* The Mural Art of John Pugh – some eye candy, just because we all need beauty in our lives – always. “By weaving the powerful story-telling abilities of the narrative mural into the engaging impact of the life-size tromp l’oeil, illusion artist John Pugh has created a stimulating and enlightening venue for both public and private art.”
* Metal Measures, artwork by Jamie Fingal – a very beautiful and very unusual quilt.
So enjoy! Let me know what you find of interest on the web this week.

4 Responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Organizing and Living Life”

  • Oh I live by *What if I didn’t do this?*
    In fact, if you were here, it would be obvious! After last year, having to decide what I really could do and what I couldn’t, my priorities are totally different.
    I am still scatterbrained, but not about as many things!
    And I don’t feel guilt. Important things get done and everything else can wait.


  • Maybe next year when we head east we can stop in Peru and visit! I agree, I’m done with guilt. Funny how an illness can really make you see priorities. And after this vacation, no more “when we retire we’ll do this.” We’re gonna start doing stuff now!!

  • This is a very tasty post with too many tidbits and questions to chew on…one at a time. I signed up for the weekly newsletter on organization…I am positive i have aso much to learn. “What if I didn’t do this?” I would be totally unsatisfied trying to work to earn $$$ and work in the middle of the night on my sacred marks. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  • Mary Helen – the question “what if I didn’t do this?” is so critical in my life right now. I am balancing, like so many people, my first career (that makes the money) of teaching with trying to be an artist. I can’t wait till I retire to do my art – that’s three years, and while I know what I do in the classroom is important, my art is important to me. So finding a way to organize is just so critical. I’m glad you found the post helpful.

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