Monday Marketing

Yards of binding today, one side panel is completed, binding on it, reading to be added to the body of the quilt. I can actually see the end in sight. Love how the side panels are working. Pictures hopefully on Wednesday.

Met with Brenda on Friday. She’s a weaver, and oh my goodness, her scarves are amazing – so soft, like lacework. We stopped by and saw her loom – huge! One of the things we decided, since we always seem to get so inspired when we get together for coffee, is to start a support group for ourselves. So next Monday we will meet at Beyond Bread – Alison, who is a jewelry designer; Brenda the weaver/dyer; Yvonna the potter (who doesn’t know it yet); Suzan the quilter and digital artist; Dean the marbler, Linda the quilter and digital artist; and Richard, a silk artist.

Mostly we want show and tell, info on marketing, possible shows, and lots of good thoughts to keep us motivated. We’ll stay very informal to start with and we’ll see where things go.

In terms of overall marketing, the second week of Saturday Specials is up for Cafe Press. I’ll change items and designs before leaving for Colorado. I am trying to set up a Cafe Press store for a friend, with her amazing photography of tide pools. I hope to work on that this week. And – ordered Procion dyes from Dharma that should arrive this week, so I can start trying to dye fabric – using Color by Accident by Ann Johnson. Hoping to dye and then marble and see what happens. Mostly I think I’ll just have fun!

Some vacation pics from San Diego…

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